
Submission and Review Process: For the first time, 3DV 2024 will be using OpenReview to manage submissions. Consistent with the review process for previous 3DV conferences, submissions under review will be visible only to their assigned members of the program committee (area chairs, and reviewers). The reviews and author responses will never be made public, and we will not be soliciting comments from the general public during the reviewing process.

Confidentiality: The review process of 3DV is confidential. Reviewers are volunteers, not part of the 3DV organization, and their efforts are greatly appreciated. The practice of keeping all information confidential during the review is part of the standard communication to all reviewers. Misuse of confidential information is a severe professional failure and appropriate measures will be taken when brought to the attention of the 3DV organizers. It should be noted, however, that the organization of 3DV is not and cannot be held responsible for the consequences when reviewers break confidentiality.

Conflict Responsibilities: It is the primary author's responsibility to ensure that all authors on their paper have registered their institutional conflicts into OpenReview. If a paper is found to have an undeclared or incorrect institutional conflict, the paper may be summarily rejected. To avoid undeclared conflicts, the author list is considered to be final after the submission deadline and no changes are allowed for accepted papers.

Double blind review: 3DV reviewing is double blind, in that authors do not know the names of the area chair/reviewers of their papers, and the area chairs/reviewers cannot, beyond reasonable doubt, infer the names of the authors from the submission and the additional material. Avoid providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs) and in the supplemental material (e.g., titles in the movies, or attached papers). Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines may lead to rejection without review. If you need to cite a different paper of yours that is being submitted concurrently to 3DV, the authors should (1) cite these papers; (2) argue in the body of your paper why your 3DV paper is non-trivially different from these concurrent submissions; and (3) include anonymized versions of those papers in the supplemental material.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism consists of appropriating the words or results of another, without credit. We will be actively checking for plagiarism. Furthermore, the paper matching system is quite accurate. As a result, it regularly happens that a paper containing plagiarized material goes to a reviewer from whom material was plagiarized; experience shows that such reviewers pursue plagiarism cases enthusiastically.

Dual/Double Submissions: The goals of 3DV are to publish exciting new work for the first time and to avoid duplicating the effort of reviewers.

  • By submitting a manuscript to 3DV, authors acknowledge that it has not been previously published or accepted for publication in substantially similar form in any peer-reviewed venue including journal, conference or workshop, or archival forum. Furthermore, no publication substantially similar in content has been or will be submitted to this or another conference, workshop, or journal during the review period. Violation of any of these conditions will lead to rejection and will be reported to the other venue to which the submission was sent.

  • A publication, for the purposes of this policy, is defined to be a written work longer than four pages (excluding references) that was submitted for review by peers for either acceptance or rejection, and, after review, was accepted. In particular, this definition of publication does not depend upon whether such an accepted written work appears in a formal proceedings or whether the organizers declare that such work “counts as a publication”.

  • The above definition does not consider an arXiv.org paper as a publication because it cannot be rejected. It also excludes university technical reports which are typically not peer reviewed. However, this definition of publication does include peer-reviewed workshop papers, even if they do not appear in a proceedings, if their length is more than four pages (excluding citations). Given this definition, any submission to 3DV should not have substantial overlap with prior publications or other concurrent submissions.

  • A submission with substantial overlap is one that shares 20 percent or more material with previous or concurrently submitted publications. Authors are encouraged to contact the Program Chairs ( 3dv24PC [at] googlegroups [dot] com) about clarifications on borderline cases.

  • Note that a technical report (departmental, arXiv.org, etc.) version of the submission that is put up without any form of direct peer-review is NOT considered prior art and should NOT be cited in the submission.

Attendance responsibilities: The authors agree that if the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the paper there.

Publication: All accepted papers will be made publicly available. Authors wishing to submit a patent understand that the paper's official public disclosure is one week before the conference or whenever the authors make it publicly available, whichever is first. The conference considers papers confidential until published one week before the conferences, but notes that multiple organizations will have access during the review and production processes, so those seeking patents should discuss filing dates with their IP council. The conference assumes no liability for early disclosures.

Publicity, social media: The social media policies are consistent with CVPR'24. In particular, authors will be allowed to post to social media about their papers in submission. However, until the final accept/reject decisions are released by the conference, posts to social media must not identify the conference name. Violations may result in the paper being rejected or removed from the conference and proceedings.

  Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Pacific Time (PT). No extensions will be granted.
- Download 3DV 2024 Author Kit
- OpenReview Submission Website
Paper submission August 7, 2023
Suppl. Material August 14, 2023
Reviews due September 18, 2023
Paper notification October 15, 2023
Camera ready February 8, 2024
Demo submission January 23, 2024
Main conference March 18-21, 2024
Early Registration January 14, 2024
Regular Registration March 10, 2024