Poster Instructions

Each poster will have its own poster board. Please refer to the image below with diagrams for the possible maximum dimensions of a poster.

The poster board has two panels that can be used for display. It is possible to use a single panel for a portrait poster or both panels for either a portrait or landscape poster.

The maximum dimensions for a single panel poster (portrait only) are 800 mm in width x 1050 mm in height, which is marked in green in the image.

The maximum dimensions for a two-panel poster (accommodates portrait and landscape) are 1650 mm in width x 1050 mm in height, which is marked red in the image. One poster can span both panels.

Magnets and two-sided tape will be provided so that you can affix your poster to the poster board. Your paper is assigned a poster id (see list), which locates your poster board in one of the three poster halls: A, B, or C (see map). The poster id will be labeled on the poster board.

The conference does not offer poster printing services. However, there are shops close to the venue that offer printing services. Here are some of them, although feel free to reach for another provider.

  • M & P Copier: for posters up to A0, less than 10 min walk from the venue.
  • AK-ATELIER: less than 10 min walk from the conference venue (the attendant is not english speaking though)

Poster map

  Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Pacific Time (PT). No extensions will be granted.
- Download 3DV 2024 Author Kit
- OpenReview Submission Website
Paper registration May 26 June 2, 2022
Paper submission June 2, 2022
Suppl. Material June 9, 2022
Tutorial submission August 15, 2022
Rebuttal period July 8-14 10-15, 2022
Paper notification July 31, 2022
Camera ready Sept 1, 2022
Demo submission August 15, 2022
Tutorial September 12, 2022
Main conference September 12-15, 2022