Instructions for Final Submission

Please read these instructions carefully and follow them exactly to minimize problems with the production of the conference proceedings.

The deadline for final submission (completion of all steps below) is September 1 2022 at 23:59 (PT). This deadline will not be extended. Papers that arrive after the deadline may not appear in the conference proceedings, and may not be placed in IEEE Xplore.

All 3DV papers that are submitted on time, which are compliant with IEEE Xplore, and for which the IEEE copyright has been completed, will be placed in IEEE Xplore shortly after the meeting. Only those papers that are placed in IEEE Xplore can be considered archival.

There are four steps to completing your final 3DV 2022 paper submission.

  • Register at least one author for 3DV 2022 with a full passport registration by August 31 2022.
  • Access the Online Author Submission Site to validate your camera-ready paper (without page numbers) using IEEE PDF eXpress.
  • In the Online Author Submission Site, complete and submit the IEEE Electronic Copyright form.
  • In the Online Author Submission Site, submit the validated PDF and paper information to the paper collection site by September 1 2022.

These steps are detailed below.

Using the Online Author Submission Site

The Online Author Submission Site can be accessed at:

You will need to create a login to access the Online Author Submission Site. To do so, Press Sign In on the homepage. On the login page, press Sign Up and add your email address and desired password. Finally, press Sign Up under the password information and you will be taken to the author submission site.

1. Register at least one author

All papers will require one author to pay the Passport registration fee (Full or Student) and to attend the live interactive presentations.

At least one author for each paper must register to attend the conference using our online registration link

Provide your paper ID at registration time so that your paper can be matched with authors. Please note that we will require one Passport fee per paper in the case of authors of multiple papers. It is not possible to register multiple papers for a single person.

If there is no author registered for the conference with author for a paper, the paper will not be included in the proceedings and it will not appear in IEEE Xplore.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: the deadline to register for authors is August 31 2022 at 23:59 (PT).

2. Validate your camera-ready paper using IEEE PDF eXpress.

There is a strict size limit of 100 MB for PDF files in the conference proceedings. If your paper is larger than this, you are probably using very large images in your figures. As a rule, your images will look fine at 600 pixels per inch and you should down-sample the images used in your figures accordingly. Smaller PDF files are also validated more quickly by PDF eXpress.

The page limit for all papers is 8 pages—with at most 4 additional pages allowed that contains only cited references. To clarify, the main body of the paper, including figures, tables, equations, acknowledgments, etc., must be limited to no more than 8 pages. Additional pages may only contain cited references—not acknowledgments or other text, figures, tables, etc. Papers that are longer than 8 pages (not including references), will not be processed and will not appear in the conference proceedings or on IEEE Xplore.

IEEE requires that all papers to be entered into the IEEE Xplore digital library meet the IEEE style guidelines. LaTeX style files compatible with IEEE requirements are available through the 3DV 2022 web site (zip).

Ensure that the paper is formatted according to the final paper submission template (egpaper_final.tex).

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not include page numbers in your camera-ready paper. The author list is considered to be final after the submission deadline. No authors should be added to the final submission.

Papers that do not meet these guidelines will not be placed in Xplore. This is the IEEE policy.

Note: PDF eXpress does not collect the papers. After validating your paper, you must still complete the upload process in the Online Author Submission Site, as described in Section 4.

There are two ways to use IEEE PDF eXpress. If you generate your own PDF file, PDF eXpress can validate it. If you are using any of the following document formatting systems, PDF eXpress can generate an Xplore-compliant document from the following source files: MS-Word, WordPerfect, RTF (rich text format), Freelance, LaTeX, PageMaker, FrameMaker, Word Pro, or Quark. If you used LaTeX, PageMaker, or Quark to prepare your paper, there are a few extra steps required to supply the images to IEEE.

  • 2.1. Log in to PDF express - The conference ID is 57658X.

  • 2.2. If you have not used PDF eXpress before, you must create an account. Click on “Create account” and follow the instructions. If you have used PDF eXpress for a previous conference, you can log in using the email address and password from the previous conference; it will then ask you to create an account for this conference by entering a password—it can be the same password. Verify (and update if necessary) your contact information and click “Submit”. Once you have an account, you can log in as often as you need to process all of your papers.

  • 2.3. Create a new title (should match with your submission title) for each paper that you are submitting.

  • 2.4. Submit the PDF file you wish to validate or submit the source files you wish to convert. PDF eXpress will digest the file(s) submitted and send you an e-mail with the validation result, or the generated PDF, as appropriate.

  • 2.5. Repeat Step 2.4 until you are satisfied with the result.

  • 2.6. Go to Step 2.3 to process your other papers.

A primary source of failure in validating a PDF file is the use of non-embeddable fonts in figures. Make sure that your paper uses embeddable fonts for the main text of the paper as well as the figures, figure captions, references, footnotes, etc. Another source of failure is the line in the LaTeX source file that includes the hyperref package. If you are having difficulty, you may want to comment out this line. If you have further trouble with IEEE PDF eXpress, contact

A note regarding title capitalization: The IEEE uses the AP style for title capitalization. There are several websites that can help ensure proper title capitalization. One site that uses word context to handle the special cases is (be sure to select “AP” style and the “Keep Words in All Caps” option to keep capitalized acronyms). Since all paper titles will be listed using the AP-style capitalization in the proceedings, program, and Xplore, please ensure that your camera-ready paper also uses the proper capitalization.

3. Prepare your supplemental material (optional)

Supplemental material can also be uploaded to the Online Author Submission Site. The supplementary material may include videos, images, proofs, additional figures or tables, a more detailed analysis of experiments presented in the paper, or code.

The uploaded supplemental material may only include PDF files. For videos, we suggest to upload them somewhere, e.g., Youtube, and then provide a link to the video in the supplementary PDF. Multiple files can be packed in a zip file. The file size limit for supplemental material is 100MB.

4. Submit the validated PDF, supplementary material and IEEE Electronic Copyright form, to IEEE CPS

  • 4.1. Go to the IEEE CPS Online Author Submission Site

  • 4.2. Log in or create an IEEE CPS account.

  • 4.3. Once logged in, you will be able, one paper at a time, to first submit the validated PDF and supplementary material, and then the IEEE Electronic Copyright form.

    • NOTE: you have to do this step for each of your accepted papers.

    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Even after you successfully finish your Submission including the Copyright Form, you may see an Error at the “Copyright Status” column on your CPS Author Dashboard. This is a minor system bug which is soon to be fixed and you may ignore it.

    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that once you submit your IEEE Electronic Copyright form, you will not be able to go back and make changes. IEEE does not have any mechanism to redo an electronic copyright form and you will not be able to complete more than one per paper. As such, please be sure that the title, author list, etc. are correct and final on the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form before completing and submitting the copyright form. Again, the copyright form can be completed only once per paper, so please make sure that all the information on the form is complete and final before submission.

    • Papers without completed copyright forms will not appear on the conference proceedings and will not be enrolled in IEEE Xplore.

  • 4.4. Click Next to enter the paper details.

  • 4.5. Click Next to enter the authors information.

  • 4.6. Click Next to upload your validated PDF file and optional supplementary material.

  • 4.7. Click Next to enter the copyright release information and follow the on-screen instructions.

  • 4.8. After the submission of the copyright release, you should see a thank you message confirming your submission is complete.

5. Final reminder

Papers will appear in the 3DV 2022 proceedings and placed in IEEE Xplore only if all of these conditions are met:

  • The final PDF submission is 30 MB or less in size, meets the required page limits, has been validated by PDF eXpress, and has been uploaded to the paper collection web site (after validation) by September 1 2022 at 23:59 (PT).

  • If applicable, any supplemental material file in 100MB or less has been uploaded to the submission site by September 1 2022 at 23:59 (PT).

  • At least one author registers for 3DV 2022 by August 31 2022 at 23:59 (PT), and attend the live interactive presentations at the conference.

  • The IEEE Electronic Copyright form is completed online and submitted to the paper collection site.

  Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Pacific Time (PT). No extensions will be granted.
- Download 3DV 2024 Author Kit
- OpenReview Submission Website
Paper registration May 26 June 2, 2022
Paper submission June 2, 2022
Suppl. Material June 9, 2022
Tutorial submission August 15, 2022
Rebuttal period July 8-14 10-15, 2022
Paper notification July 31, 2022
Camera ready Sept 1, 2022
Demo submission August 15, 2022
Tutorial September 12, 2022
Main conference September 12-15, 2022